Local Cardiff Locksmith

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MLA Approved Locksmiths from Marshfield Cardiff

If you live in the Marshfield area of Cardiff and happen to need the services of a Locksmith, then its your lucky day !! South Wales leading MLA Approved Marshfield Locksmith is Situated literally on your doorstep !

Having Mr Locks so close has some big advantages :

Whether you are from Marshfield Road, Cambrian Gardens, Mallards Reach, The shires, Oakfields, Wellfield Road or anywere else in the village, we offer specially reduced rates for Marshfield residents.

Also if you happen to find yourself Locked Out of your home, business premises or car, we can often be with you within minutes, and also operate an emergency Locksmith service out of hours.

Locksmith in marshfield cardiff

We can repair and fit all types of locks including patio and garage door locks, window locks and we specialise in upvc and multipoint locking systems. We are also able to change locks and install new high security locks which comply to Insurance standards. We even offer a Car opening Service too.

Mr Locks is extremely proud to have been Marshfields Master Locksmiths Association Approved Local Locksmith for almost 20 years. We are happy to provide free, no-obligation quotations and are only a phone call away.

In the event of an emergency call your local village Locksmiths Marshfield free on 0800 083 2882. Mobile users can also click to call on 07976 961473 .